Saturday, October 13, 2012

Dewey`s Read-a-Thon

So I will make an update blogpost aswell.. Which is not made in such a hurry :P
But Puppy Selma decides that we need to hurry outside now :)
See you guys later..

Good luck everyone :D

and Selma


  1. Johnny would be so happy to see you read comic books/ graphic novels for the read-a-thon. I swear all I can get him to read lately is comics.

    Happy reading! Oh and your puppy is so darn cute :)

    1. haha I kind of get him :P Thinking I need to check out some of the comics he shows at you guys videoblog. But comics are so expencive up here :( So I don`t have that many. And to get to a good store. I need to drive like 3,5 hours each way :O

      Thanks.. she`s such a darling :P

      Happy reading to you too :)
